Ultra-High Precision Coulometry & How it Can Accelerate Battery ResearchUltra-High Precision Coulometry & How it Can Accelerate Battery Research
May 22, 2024
Date: Jun 25, 2024
Duration: 1 Hr
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Learn how leading cell manufacturers, research institutions, automotive OEMs and more are rapidly developing their cell R&D using Ultra-High Precision battery testing equipment. Research engineers, scientists, technicians, and technologists who attend this webinar will learn about the testing technique, and benefits, of ultra-high precision coulometry (UHPC).
Presented by Dr. Connor Aiken of NOVONIX, the webinar will explain UHPC’s value for more rapid and insightful battery development. You will learn how UHPC metrics (e.g., Coulombic Efficiency and Charge Endpoint Capacity slippage) relate to battery lifetime. Applications will also be presented to illustrate the benefits of adding UHPC testing to all levels of the battery value chain.
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